Zakharevich K-theory

Max Karoubi: Hermitian K theory invariants in Topology and Algebraic Geometry

Floer K-theory and exotic Liouville manifolds - Tim Large

Detecting non-permutative elements of K1(Var) using point counting

What is K-theory and what is it good for?

Trace methods in algebraic K-theory

Algebraic K-theory Top # 11 Facts

From algebraic K-theory to motivic cohomology and back | Marc Levine | Лекториум

K Theory - Boundaries (Official Audio)

The close relation between K theory and TC theory

Kyoto U. 'K-theory of group C∗-algebras and applications' Prof. Gennadi Kasparov

Markus Land (Copenhagen) - Hermitian K-theory

Francesca Arici - Discussion: Beyond K-Theory/KK-theory/NCG

Andreas Thom: Algebraic vs topological K theory (Lecture 3)

Classical introduction to K-theory

Yonatan Harpaz - New perspectives in hermitian K-theory I

Ralph Blumenhagen - K-theory and Cobordism

Teena Gerhardt - 2/3 Algebraic K-theory and Trace Methods

Bruno Kahn Bruno - A rank spectral sequence for algebraic K-theory

Thomas Nikolaus: K-theory of Z/p^n and relative prismatic cohomology

Vesna Stojanoska - Duals of higher real K-theory spectra

Thomas Nikolaus - Algebraic K-Theory in Geometric Topology

K Theory 1- Various Interpretations; a Talk Given by Me

Georg Tamme - 1/3 Localizing Invariants and Algebraic K-theory

Alexander Efimov: On the K-theory of large triangulated categories